I cannot imagine a career that does not have annoying aspects, which we find disdainful.  For instance, the Rolling Stones love playing live, but they dislike touring about.  Even the most fortunate and wonderful job has its Achilles heel.  And it is those  negative aspects that can make or break you.

I can attest that in education I have never heard anyone suggest for even a moment that they enjoy marking, but it must be done. And how most of my colleagues delayed and dreaded the grading ordeal! However, I managed to get my marking done quickly and less painfully using self-discipline to make the task more bearable.  What I did for the marking process is transferable to whatever aspect of your job you must regularly do, and especially dislike and procrastinate over.

An essential first step is to plan and design the exam to avoid the mis-steps and reduce the annoying aspects of the subsequent marking.  I focused on maximum efficiency and effectiveness by carefully engineering the exam so subsequent marking was easier and quicker.  As it is wisely said, a  stitch in time saves nine.

Next comes setting goals to motivate and monitor my progress.  These goals MUST BE: small, easily measurable, sequential, frequently achieved and not overly ambitious.  These baby step goals are fundamental and ensure that I regularly experience the joy of successfully completing something. 

Further, as the goals can be measured, I can monitor my progress and that I am getting closer to completion.  I schedule celebrating my micro-completion progress with time outs and rewards. I might swap my focus to a part of the marking project that is essential but agrees with me more as a time out.  Being able to benchmark my progress is motivating and I notice that my endurance improves once I am nearer completion and I can sprint to the finish once it is in sight. Rather than fighting with and procrastinating over the marking project, I must trick my mind and willpower to cooperate and collaborate with each other.  

For me, self-discipline means I must regularly experience pleasure, a sense of achievement and then reward myself for a job well done. This discipline certainly made my overall job satisfaction much higher. 

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*:  Whereas I used this process for years, it was consoling that the following book scientifically supported my process:  "Neuro-Discipline: Everyday Neuroscience for Self-Discipline, Focus, and Defeating Your Brain’s Impulsive and Distracted Nature" by Peter Hollins


There is a common view that “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it”.  This is a safe and convenient strategy, but one that doesn’t work well for me.  How about this a corollary, “If it isn’t broken, break it.”  When I see something functioning properly it instinctively encourages me to wonder why and how this is so.  What curious quirk or feature is this application taking advantage of?  Why does this work so well, and where else could this idea be applied?

Thomas Edison noted, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” 

Albert Einstein similarly stated, “Make mistakes.  A person who never made a mistake never did anything new.” 

There is no shortage of famous people who talk about how experimenting with life was the key to their success.

Breaking things to see if they can be made better is all about experimenting and failure and learning.  Mixing a cocktail of HOW, WHY, FAILURE and WONDER into our daily routines is actively being in the present moment.  Examining the sequence of steps to do a task and challenging them in terms of whether each one is essential, could be re-ordered or re- arranged can lead to enlightenment.  If it does not work, you learned something and may have to break it differently. Curiously, as you carefully examine the task, not only can you improve its efficiency, but a sense of ownership can increase.

If you look at the lives of successful people or listen to their sage advice, almost without exception they talk about their failures, setbacks and disappointments.  But they keep on experimenting and learning from their mistakes.  They kept on setting challenging but attainable goals and expect failures along the way. Failing makes success sweeter.  Whether the experiment works or not, these are both occasions for awe if you allow for learning and growth.

Go and break, or at least tinker with, one of your rituals, and experiment with how you might make it new and different.

 Please be kind, patient and thoughtful to your partner and others.

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We all have skills and abilities, but equally we have personality strengths (and weaknesses). We have traits that are hard wired into who we are and affect how we behave unconsciously. These inclinations suggest how we are emotionally pre-disposed to experience the NOW.  Knowing what you are naturally inclined to do is most helpful in promoting well-being and positivity.

"Even more fulfilling than using a skill, though, is exercising a strength of character, a trait that is deeply embedded in who we are. A team of psychologists recently catalogued the 24 cross-cultural character strengths that most contribute to human flourishing. Examples of these strengths included honesty, kindness, hope prudence, etc.   They then developed a comprehensive survey that identifies an individual’s top five, or “signature,” strengths. When 577 volunteers were encouraged to pick one of their signature strengths and use it in a new way each day for a week, they became significantly happier and less depressed than control groups. And these benefits lasted: even after the experiment was over, their levels of happiness remained heightened a full six months later. Studies have shown that the more you use your signature strengths in daily life, the happier you become."

Normally, I am not inclined to suggest you take a personal survey, but I would recommend this one.  To learn what’s in your own top five character strengths follow the link: and take the free survey.  There will be no annoying follow-up notices and no obligation to pay.  I have taken the survey twice and have found it insightful, as some of my core strengths were re-prioritized as I became more interested in understanding well-being.  Equally informative were my character weaknesses. Being mindful of where I am wanting is helpful in my personal relationships. Knowing your strengths is also insightful in term of career goals, and finding links between your emotional inclinations and your employment prospects.

Key well-being (and career advice) I endorse is “Go with your strengths (and manage your weaknesses).”  Getting a little objective advice on your pluses and minuses is useful and the “survey” takes less than 10 minutes.

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*: "The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology that Fuel Success and Performance at Work" by Shawn Achor


A lot of things shape your present and future realities.  But what drives your agenda and planning?  Is your future shaped by the expectation of doing well, seizing opportunities, and being the best person you can reasonably be?  Or do the worries, challenges, disappointments and obstacles define your present and, indirectly, your future outcomes?  Is your future a proactive action or a reactive reaction to your past? 

Fortunately, you have a great deal of control over how your future unfolds.  When you speculate about what life will be like in a few years, do your fears or your dreams define that outcome?  Is it “CAN” or “CANNOT”, “ACT” or “REACT,” that sets the limit on these expectations?  Clearly there are limitations on what you can reasonably achieve, but do these boundaries define your future, or just direct you as to where you might look otherwise for a brighter and better tomorrow? 

A lot of questions come up when considering your future, but that is precisely what the future is all about.  Before your future occurs, that future is a series of choices which you must make either explicitly and consciously, or implicitly and without being aware. 

Just as you frame or re-frame your present circumstances, you implicitly frame your tomorrows.  The big difference, however, it that the future is exclusively a framing exercise, not a re-framing experiment.  The future is a wonderful mystery where you can set the plot, themes, players, places and promises.

Proactively seize your future and define it by YOUR dreams, opportunities, engagement and action.  This is the best offense and defense against the fears which might otherwise lurk on your horizon.

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The notion of achievement has really got my fancy.  It seems to explain so much of my awesome life journey.  Somewhere in my early forties, my life fortunes seem to fall into place and stay that way. Particularly, achievement, engagement, purpose and calling joined up and my well-being almost permanently was improved.  Looking back, what brought all these circumstances together: it was achievement!

Sometime in my forties I began to enjoy significant career satisfaction: going to work was like going to play. The more time I was involved in my career, the more I enjoyed it.  I was in the FLOW for so many moments from when I left my home until I returned.  But what was it that brought such pleasure and purpose? It was the countless very small successes that happened every day.  Lectures became shows.  Learners were the audience.  The curriculum was the music and art.  Building lectures was my canvas.  Achievements were everywhere, and unconsciously many task I did became a chance to achieve and excel.  Even the most mundane task of marking exams became an art form where each script was an opportunity to impress me and let the learner shine.  Effort and talent were working together as a team. 

Purposeful opportunities were everywhere.  Encouraging my students to understand better and more deeply became my educator goal.  Wondering why something made sense to me became a mystery adventure.  Imaging WHY became my mission statement.  My lectureship career became a calling.  The cycle of flourishing repeated itself and continues to this day.

I hope I don’t come across as boasting or proud, rather I am sharing the eureka of discovering why and how my calling evolved.  It was all about inventing baby step achievements such that the smallest task was a joy I savoured and a chance to do a little better. 

Many of us can harmonize our engagement, meaning (purpose), achievement and calling.  Want to upgrade your career to a calling? Use achievement as the catalyst.  Design micro achievement tasks and moments into your day and relish those successes.

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Achievement, a sense of pride in finishing a task well and properly, is for many an important dimension of their well-being.  Especially in the early and mid-part of your career, learning and mastering new skills is what defines the degree of success you achieve and the promotions that follow.  Striving to do better gets you up in the morning and allows you to enjoy your employment position. Later on, it is those eureka moments when a subtle mystery or revelation opens a new door to self-discovery.  Your career becomes a calling, those achievements really matter, even though others would likely not understand why.

The equation:  Achievement = Skill x Effort provides some interesting insights into the psychology of achieving, especially about what exactly is Skill

Skill is what learning, practice and time mature.  But what is going on as you become more skillful?  Two parallel processes are occurring, one fast and one slow, simultaneously.  As you gain experience, more and more of the everyday processes become easier, quicker and more automatic.  You don’t have to think about many of the aspects of the tasks as you are unconsciously capable, and you have a natural intuition of what is going on.  An important aspect of learning is making more of what you know automatic and instinctual.

But behind the scene, the brain width you are not using as you are on automatic pilot allows you to focus on slower, deeper thinking, as you engage the higher order executive brain functions. The faster the speed, the more the knowledge you have, and thus the more time left over for these executive functions to be used.  Thinking slowly involves the voluntary, heavyweight processes of achievement, such as planning, checking for errors, using new information, inhibiting fastness and CREATIVITY. To be more skillful means you are both faster and more automatic but also slower and better at not making mistakes and identifying/resolving unexpected circumstances in a timely manner.  Having natural talents is a blessing, but working passionately and persistently can overcome talent in the longer run.  

So what?!  Achievement is more about GRIT and determination than IQ or natural talents.  The better athletes, experts, executives, scholars and managers are likely the ones that have more GRIT, rather than those with higher IQ or natural gifts.  Eventually the slower, more executive skills become purposeful and distinguish you from others. That slow thinking is what professional judgement is all about and what distinguishes the exemplar from the average.

Whether achievement matters to you on a career or well-being level, learn how to recognize and promote it!

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*: Flourish: A New Understanding of Happiness and Wellbeing: The practical guide to using positive psychology to make you happier and healthier by Martin Seligman and

Grit: Why Passion and Persistence are the Secrets to Success by Angela Duckworth


I have had the privilege of observing thousands of university learners over the course of my career. With the most successful ones, I have long wondered why they became particularly successful. I would see saw glimmers of early promise in many students, but why did some go on to great accomplishments, and others seem less destined to succeed?

There is a growing body of research into this area. * Angela Duckworth converted the physics formula:

Distance = Speed x Times    to an achievement equation;

Achievement = Skill x Effort   (leaving the coefficient out).

Using thousands of samples, Angela was able to reasonably predict those that would achieve highly and those that would quit or underachieve.  She found that natural ability, talent or IQ was a poor predictor of success, and that effort, or determination, made all the difference.  She called this effort GRIT.

Angela found that those students who were not automatically able or quick at their studies had to work harder, longer, and practice more (the strivers). They had more grit and their achievements often matched or exceeded their naturally more able colleagues.  Strivers had a better achievement rate.

I have also observed in learners that whilst some are extremely naturally able, there are others who have an extra quality: a steady determination. They are diligent, focused and striving, and they seem to display some resilience when the going gets tough. I admire those especially diligent learners that seem to willingly go the extra mile with a smile.  As the sayings go: Success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration (Thomas Edison). Or Winners never Quit, and Quitters never Win.

So what does this have to do with well-being?  Lots.  First, Achievement is one of the five dimensions of well-being or flourishing (Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Achievement or PERMA).  Achievement really matters! 

Whereas you cannot change your natural abilities, you can become more determined and resilient.  Grit is often more important than innate ability, especially in the long run. 

Improving your well-being takes effort but it is rewarding. We give lots of time and attention to gaining academic qualifications, but often we put very little time and effort into improving our own well-being. Maybe we should apply some of the same grit and determination that we apply to our careers to our own well-being, and to making significant changes in our personal lives.

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*: Flourish: A New Understanding of Happiness and Wellbeing: The practical guide to using positive psychology to make you happier and healthier by Martin Seligman


*: Grit: Why Passion and Persistence are the Secrets to Success by Angela Duckworth



A part of me used to believe that I cannot change, that what you see is what you get.  I was finished goods and largely set to stay the way I was.  Fortunately that is not true, one can change in often significant ways.  Scientifically this ability to change or “re-wire” the brain is called neuroplasticity. An adult’s mind is somewhat like plastic and can be re-shaped. What a wonderful possibility! One can become a better person, and well-being is a real possibility.  As positive psychology research has found, around 40% of our well-being is a function of our intentions and willful actions.  That’s a lot of scope for change and improvement.

But how?  To start, change is not automatic or unconscious, you have to be aware and intentional.  Habits take on average take 66 days of practice to be routine and part of your natural repertoire.  So be modest, and take baby steps that are within your reach. 

If you want to become, for example, more thoughtful, seek out or plan multiple daily situations where being thoughtful could be exhibited.  Re-frame the way you see and do things through a “thoughtful” lens.  Observe in others examples of thoughtfulness.  Bring thoughtfulness for others into your conversations.  Make those close to you aware of your new mission and ask them to acknowledge and praise you when you act thoughtfully.   Ponder the depth and breadth of thoughtfulness, how it has many characteristics and expressions.  Journalize your thoughtful achievements.  Pride in one’s success is one of the more positive emotions, so use it to encourage yourself that you are succeeding.  Expect setbacks and bad days.  Over those 66 plus days your brain will be subtly re-programmed to become more thoughtful. 

Neuroplasticity, being able to change for the better, enables your well-being to grow.  Positive change is deliberate, gradual, and awkward at times, but immensely rewarding.  So go for it.

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Happenstance can be defined as circumstances that seem to be due to chance, especially those causing fortunate results. But are they really? So much of my life has been blessed by allowing for and/or seeking out such moments.

For example, when I travel one of my guiding principles is: “When in doubt, turn left.”  The corollary of this travel tip is: “Get lost.” If I am walking down a street in a calm neighborhood and I see a side-street on my left, that’s where I go. I have been amazed by the number of curious sights I have come across, or interesting characters I have met.  Most of my wonderful memories occur when I am lost.

When I am alone in a crowd I often greet the person next to me with a respectful question that starts with” Hello my friend ….?”   Rarely has that person been other than keen to answer or help.  Almost without exception those I interacted with were helpful, open and eager to be helpful. 

Similarly, my definition of success is when preparation meets opportunity.    Setting yourself up for more success requires one to cause deliberate happenstance.  Put yourself in opportune circumstances and then risk being notable and present. 

To improve the effectiveness of this strategy it is recommended that you start by ensuring that the environment is SAFE, however you define safety. Recognize that you are likely at the edge of your comfort zone, and that is good, so risk being in this zone.  Acknowledge you are letting go of control and then LET GO.  Please be respectful of others that you will engage with. Count backwards from 5 to 0 and GO for it. 

Allowing ourselves to be vulnerable to new situations and people empowers several of our strongest positive emotions: awe, interest, and curiosity.  Push yourself to the limits of your comfort zone, and make it bigger. If you are coming from a good place, so often taking chances in this way will bless you richly.

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Carl Jung noted that: “Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge.” So true - UNFORTUNATELY!!

Being judgemental is toxic to our well-being.  Mindfulness starts with the expectation that one is non-judgemental of oneself and others and present in that moment.  Being judgemental unnecessarily and unhelpfully elevates our sense of status to being better, more correct or important than we are, or the opposite.  And how does that improve our well-being or spirits?

Proper judgement involves reasoning. It comes from a place of informed understanding, where we are able to truly see something from all perspectives. Very few truly significant issues are black and white, having a right answer or conclusion.  There is a significant difference between making a quick judgement of someone and making an informed, thoughtful and objective one.  The Bible says that only God can properly judge others, because only He sees the true motives of the heart. It encourages us to first of all examine ourselves before we think to judge others.

Conclusions that are more thoughtful are nearly always better, but we are encouraged to reserve judgement on others whenever possible. Sometimes we have to make judgements, and then it is important that we are as balanced as possible. Let’s be clear, that takes a lot of effort and critical thinking, but that is the nature of making an objective judgement, it takes a lot of thinking.  Thinking is difficult!  Being objective is equally difficult but essential.

Figure out what is especially essential in our life, become an expert thereof, seek constructively to be just and judgemental in these domains and let go of the rest.  Next, we should judge ourselves, and only afterwards should we proceed to judge others and other matters.

Letting go of our judgemental nature is extremely empowering, and grounding, but very difficult to do.  Start by deliberately judging less often and see where it takes you.  Definitely a work in progress project.

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There can be a self-fulfilling, rather prophetic nature to our life.  Consider this all-to-true riddle or Catch 22:

We learn from our past what to predict for the future.  Then we live in the future we expected.

Continuing, we predict the worst outcomes, not the best.  We will do less well in a presentation and our prediction comes true.  Or we want to lose weight or go to the gym but deep down inside we really don’t believe we can or will, and low and behold we underachieve. We are setting ourselves up for failure. Can we make this “pre-lived future” work for us? Can we undermine its destructive influence?

Yes, there are several strategies that we can do to make these self-fulfilling prophecies work for us.  The best place to start is to predict an attainable but reasonably challenging and wonderful future.  If your expectation is unrealistic, then by design you will fail.  Better to under-promise and over-deliver than to over-promise and under-deliver and fail.  Next, predict successful outcomes.  Imagine winning, achieving that realistic goal.   Turn this riddle so it works to our advantage by expecting positive outcomes. What also is helpful, if we have been unsuccessful in the past on this mission, is to re-frame this attempt as a FIRST TIME, even if it isn’t. Those previous attempts are plaguing us and setting us up for failure.  Mindfully LET GO of past disappointments or consider them irrelevant.  At the very least don’t let past disappointments set us up for another one next time around.  Let go of pre-conceived notions or ideas that are unhelpful or hold you back.

At the root of this cycle is the tendency to predict the future and fuss about the past.  Rather we should strive to be in the present moment and be mindful.  Being caught up in a loop between the past and the future compromises the NOW. Why not live the present moment, reframe it and believe it will is very well indeed?

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Can we really do two or more MEANINGFUL things at the same time? Try it out!  Can we engage in a purposeful conversation with a friend, and do a second important task like plan for tomorrow? Or solve two challenging tasks at the same time?  NO, doing two significant things properly at once is an impossibility.  More likely the results will be doing less well on both the tasks you are engaged in.

Somewhere in the past twenty years the word and notion of multi-tasking has developed a fame of its own.  People would proudly state that they were expert multi-taskers and the more tasks we could manage at once the more capable and employable we were.  More recently the tide of thinking is changing and questioning this earlier wisdom.  Should we be allowed to drive and talk on our cellphones?  Is walking about and playing games on our phone a good idea?

Neuroscience shows clearly that the brain cannot actually do two things at the same time and in fact it can be harmful.  Rather our mind goes back and forth between the different tasks and is not concentrating or thinking deeply on either.  It is on a stressed and unhappy automatic pilot.  Yes, we can walk, talk and chew gum at the same time, and that is the point. None of these tasks are difficult, important or dangerous.

Multi-tasking is also harmful to our well-being, especially as it relates to listening within conversations.  Listening is one of the most essential ingredients in a positive relationship, but are we actually listening or just pretending to?  Are we multi-tasking?  Paying careful attention and being mindful is difficult, and it is the opposite of multi-tasking.  Mindfulness requires us to be there for that person and what they are saying.  Often the level of our attention is a measure of the importance of the conversation and that person.

Next time we are in a dialogue with someone dear to ask: “Am I taking them for granted? Am I trying to get points or be witty?  Am I bored?  Do I just want to be heard? Am I really there in mind and spirit?  Is what I have to say more important than what they have to say?”  Probably the answer to some of these questions will be discouraging, but ask them anyway and listen to our answer. It is a struggle to act responsibly and thoughtfully.

I note that both uni-tasking and being a better listener are challenging.  I am definitely a work in progress on both those scores, but trying hard.

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*: Travis Bradberry, Ph.D. Multitasking Damages Your Brain and Your Career, 2014 TalentSmart®



Imagine you’ve just had an unfortunate experience and you are very discouraged by it.  You want to quit whatever because at this moment it is just too much.  Or someone did something that really aggravated you and you are fuming with anger.  You write a really angry and poisonous email to vent your frustration.  You seriously think about quitting or sending the email.

Can I make a suggestion which I wish I had followed when I was feeling like that?  DON’T QUIT ON A BAD DAY.  SEND THAT EMAIL TOMORROW, AFTER YOU’VE RE-READ IT AND HAVE COOLED DOWN.

Making serious decisions requires reflection and pause.  These are not fast thinking, spur of the moment reflexes that need an immediate response. Be very mindful that reactions can have significant lingering consequences, as they often cannot be easily reversed.  Once you QUIT or hit SEND that is it.  The dust and fallout will settle where it may, and that may not be a good resting place.

I know it is very difficult to pause at these trying moments, but PAUSE you MUST!  You are emotionally charged and eager to do something, but should you?  Rarely are these trying occasions dangerous or life threatening so there is no urgency to act decisively or firmly.  This is not a LET GO moment, but a CHILL or RE-FRAMING opportunity.

From my experience, not quitting or hitting SEND was a God sent relief.  Things were not as bad as I imagined, it was just my imagination getting ahead of me.  And that email, it could have become a CLM (Career Limiting Move), or required some serious back tracking to get out that mess.

When the going gets weird, re-frame that moment with a big STOP sign.  Have you got the facts straight?  Is your rage helpful or harmful? What will tomorrow look like if I quit or offend that other party? 

I am not suggesting that you give in or accept an unfair situation.  Rather I am clearly suggesting that before you do something extreme you carefully consider if you have a (better) Plan B option. Be careful, you might just get what you ask for!


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I don’t know about you, but when I am caught up in traffic, or someone does something that I think is untoward, I can quickly become very angry. Perhaps you have had instances where better anger management would have been helpful.  Instead you got yourself into an unpleasant or uncomfortable situation and said or did something you later regretted.  Is there a cure to not losing your temper?

More recently when I have faced these anger testing moments, I have actively sought to re-frame and re-phrase this tension with a different emotion.  Instead of being angry I CHOOSE to be disappointed or discouraged. 

Reframing anger to being disappointed, discouraged, displeasured or dis-anything starts with a conscious and deliberate choice of pausing.  This breaks the almost instantaneous cycle of fight or flight into a recess and lets us step back and reflect for a moment.   Then, by changing the lens that I use to see the situation, my temperament also changes.  I move from an external desire to lash out to an internal examination of what is really troubling me.  Yes, someone wronged me, but rather than venting outwardly I just absorb the blow and process the event as impersonal, letting go of as much of the negative energy as possible.  At the end of the day wasn’t my anger really disappointment? I was discouraged and frustrated by the situation.

The wonderful thing about being disappointed or discouraged is that it allows me to question the WHY behind my tension.  After all, anger at its root started as an offensive survival skill when times were very dangerous and hostile. Hopefully, I begin to recognize that much of my frustration is related to my assumptions about the situation.  Often if there is a cause to my anxiety it is based in myself. The best thing to do is move along and ask what can I learn from what just happened. 

Pausing and challenging my beliefs and reframing the angry moments as disappoints certainly has reduced the sting when things go pear-shaped.  These discouragements encourage me to learn and accept increased responsibility for my own circumstances and my reactions thereto.

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The world and what you and I know about it is changing at an alarming pace. What we were taught seems to be less relevant or timely with each passing day.  How does one stay ahead or on top of what is current or useful? Additionally, just behind us is artificial intelligence, which is challenging our employment prospects. The standard response is lifelong learning.  I agree that lifelong learning is a useful defensive measure, but what might be a more effective offensive strategy?

Let’s use my area of expertise, financial accounting, as an example.  When I was learning the trade in the 70’s one could largely master most of the body of knowledge with a reasonable degree of diligence.  When I taught it, things began to change as more and more issues were raised and addressed, in an increasingly complex world.  Specialists emerged, where previously there were few areas of specialist expertise. Now that approach is falling short for the generalists and the specialists, as there is just so much information and not enough time to absorb it all.

My suggestion when confronting the challenges of the knowledge explosion and artificial intelligence is to apply our uniquely human quality of CURIOUSITY to the situation.  We need to risk being truly curious about what ever newness we are confronting.  Rather than being trained and re-trained, we must become fully engaged in the marvel of whatever new or novel learning confronts us.

To me, curiosity is the blending together of at least eight of the ten positive emotions*, being joy, savouring (remembering), interest, hope, amusement, inspiration, love and awe, applied to our area of expertise and life more generally.  Learning and knowledge growth is most effective when one is joyfully and actively engaged. Being curious means investing in order to grow and internally prosper. Artificial Intelligence will never be able to beat us on emotional curiosity.

Let’s use our “curiosity” advantage to our advantage.

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*: See 26th February, 2019 for more detail of the ten positive emotions


I will never forget one particular learning experience:  a student of mine taught me a method to test whether an action was ethical or not, all in under five minutes.  I have experimented with the system he taught me and it seems pretty much bullet proof. 

If you are confronted with an ethical dilemma and your answer is a confident YES TO ALL THREE of these questions, it is highly likely that what you are contemplating IS ETHICAL.  If one answer is a NO, then you are likely offside.

First, apply the Golden Rule Test, which is: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. (Or the Confucian form which is: Don’t do unto others as you would not have others do unto you.)  If someone did what you are considering to you would you be offended, harmed or displeased?  Reciprocity or tit-for-tat is an essential test for much of our behaviour.

Second, the Role Model Test, which is:  If you were a parent would you want your child to do what you are considering?  Would you want to set this action up as an example which your offspring would follow and consider “normal”? Is this the type of role modeling you want to promote?

Third, the Front Page Test, which is: If you had editorial privilege and the entire front page of the newspaper, could you fully explain and justify your action to an objective, informed and diligent reader?  By definition, ethical dilemmas are complex, full of contextual details and awkward trade-offs.  Would a thoughtful and independent observer, after evaluating the full circumstance of your situation, decide in your favour, or at least give you the benefit of the doubt? 

I have shared these tests with many and pondered them, appraising situations I have heard about or experienced through their lens. I would recommend this five minute ethics course as highly effective, and a good primer for life.  It is simple enough to teach young children, and robust enough to guide seasoned professionals.

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Trooper, a Canadian band from the 70’s wrote a wonderful song called: “We’re here for a good time (not a long time)”.  For the longest of time that simple line was at the root of much that I did and indeed I did have some very good times.  Back then it sounded like a good compass to direct my attention, but it does ring hollow now.

Somewhere over the past fifteen years I discovered the importance of purpose.  I started to focus more on doing things because they were in line with my core values and intrinsic goals.  Volunteering, designing my working duties and seeking out venues where I could encourage outcomes that really mattered to me became essential to my well-being.  I started to look for opportunities to combine purpose with good times, and there were several.

I know it took many years, and many mis-steps, but eventually I was able to find a unique circle of competence where I could do things that were very purposeful and mattered to me.  I looked at what I did well in my career: what were those things that I would willingly and eagerly do on weekends or evenings? I started to read more and think more deeply about my dreams and goals. Was there any common theme?   How can I make a difference and make the world a better place? Something purposeful slowly emerged.

What distinguishes a good time from a purposeful time?  Good times focus too much on immediate or short term pleasure.  Good times exaggerate the importance of “JUST DO IT”, and can be rather selfish.  Purpose considers well-being, others, the longer term and the consequences of what you JUST DID. 

I would be the last person to suggest that you give up good times.  Yes, be fanciful and carefree.  Do cause some amazing memories. Absolutely, good times rock!!  But also pause, and imagine how you can make a good time a BETTER TIME.  A dose of purpose is all it takes.

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Thank you Henry Ford for this all too correct summary of how influential our thinking and imagining is to our well-being.  Henry, using intuition, observed what Sonja Lyubomirsky empirically uncovered from reviewing the literature on well-being (1).  Both noted that our intentions have enormous effect on our state of flourishing. 

 Sonja summarized her findings by concluding that around 40% of what determines our well-being is up to our intentional thoughts and activities. What about the rest?  50% is largely set by our genetically determined set points (our genes, which cannot be changed).  The last 10% is our unique life circumstances (rich or poor, beautiful or plain, etc.).

If we decide, often by default, that we are having a bad day, it is almost certainly going to turn out that way.  Inversely, if with determined intentions we decide our day or experience is going to go well, that day or event will have a high probability of being satisfying.  Try it: frame some upcoming occasion with optimistic potential.  Chances are it will go joyfully, or at least better than if one had no joyful expectations.

Having watched (and graded) thousands of learners sitting examinations, the correlation between the candidate’s intentional preparation and attitude and their subsequent performance seems strong.  The writer with a confident air generally walks out of the venue with a positive expectation and later a rewarding result.  And those that enter and exit the exam hall with low expectations seem too often get their expectations confirmed.

Whether one can or can’t is a less random outcome than we imagine.  Realistic intentions, coupled with proper preparation, have a significantly higher success rate than imagining we are the victim of circumstance. 

Make our self-fulfilling prophesies bountiful and beautiful.  Chances are we will get what we asked for.   

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 (1): Pursuing Happiness: The Architecture of Sustainable Change, Sonja Lyubomirsky, Kennon M. Sheldon, David Schkade, Review of General Psychology 9(2):111-131 · June 2005


Recently I moved to another continent and country.  The culture, climate and everything in-between was new and very different from much that I was used to.  Regularly, before and after the move, people asked me the same questions, being: “Why?” and “How are you enjoying the change?”  It was as though they expect me to complain or regret my choice.  But my reply is always the same: “There is no Plan B so I am determined to make Plan A a wonderful success!

The absence of a viable alternative or obviously better plan is such a blessing.  But the real point is not the absence of a substitute, but rather the total decision to not give any other arrangement any air or space to fester.  

Very occasionally, you have to make big choices where the decision precludes and includes many subsequent aspects of your life.  Choosing a partner, career, home, place to live, or employer are just a few of such binary (Yes/No) dilemmas. 

A good way to undermine your final selection is to second guess your conclusion, regret your conclusion, ask “What if?” and/or replay your decision making process. It sounds like even after your selection there still seems to be a Plan B on the table.  But there isn’t, unless your decision was half-hearted and naïve.

When you are in one of those Plan A or B decision moments, do spend the time making the trade-offs, and weighing the pros and cons.  But also acknowledge in advance there will be elements of regret and disappointment, as this is the nature of life.  With informed consent, you need to buy-in accordingly, and let go of any cognitive dissonance (after the fact regret).

Living your life as though there is always a Plan B out there significantly depreciates your well-being.  You are trapped in the puzzle of re-living your past, corrupting your future and hollowing out your present moments.  Buying into your Plan A and perpetually upgrading it makes the very thought of Plan B unwanted and unwarranted.  


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My career was blessed by two simple but fortunate decisions I made in my early teens.  The first was to decide very clearly what I did not want to do or become, and avoid these topics like they were the plague.  Secondly, I listened carefully to my heart and head at the same time, and heard what they suggested in terms of what I was naturally better at or interested in.

I sensed early on that I was better with numbers than the arts.  Next, I observed that I preferred dollar signs to co-sines, so I pursued business rather than engineering studies.  I was more comfortable being loud than quiet, and made lots of similarly small trade-offs. What I deliberately did was to make the circle of what I was better at or more interested in smaller and smaller.  Warren Buffett calls this “staying within your circle of competence”.

What this means is to decrease the range or breadth of things you find meaningful, whilst at the same time increasing the depth of how you understand and improve the skills related to this body of knowledge and expertise.  I mindfully stumbled into things that spoke to me emotionally and intellectually, committed to what I was expected to learn, was privately proud of my self-learning and let these insights wholeheartedly lead me on. By my middle twenties I found my career and in my early thirties I discovered my calling.

What was critical was to always stay within my decreasing circle of competence.  And at the same time, to TOTALLY BUY-IN WITH HEART, BODY AND SOUL. Decreasing the scale but increasing the scope of my world was awesome and completely ME.  It became easier and easier to enter a state of flow where a sense of self and time disappeared, where high challenge was coupled with high levels of skill.  A career becoming a calling that happened organically.  Even now I still discover or re-invent new circles of competence which I get totally excited about.  I focused almost exclusively on my strengths, but managed my weaknesses where unavoidable.

You can do the same: find, invest in, commit to and be proud of your circles of competence.

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