Awesome Reads

I am reluctant to suggest books you might read on your well-being journey, however a few awesome and helpful reads have closed my path. These are books that profoundly helped me move forward. I promise to be very sparing in suggesting awesome wellness enhancing reads.

My first recommendation is: The Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters. Why? Please spread out reading this book over several days (don’t read quickly). The author in very lay-person language explains and makes suggestions about how to harmonize the YOU you wish to be and the YOU you are. The paradox is your best friend and biggest adversary is yourself and how you sabotage yourself. You might just learn how to manage yourself and thereby enhance your well-being.

My second recommendation is: Solve for Happy, Engineering Your Path to Joy by Mo Gawdat. Why? As it was my gateway to pondering and putting direction to my well-being journey. Very deliberate and thoughtful but an easy read.

My third recommendation is: Search Inside Yourself by Chade-Meng Tan. Why? As this book was a very non-judgemental and inclusive book on how to become a successful mediator.

My fourth recommendation is: The Book of Joy by The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu. Why? When two of the happier and more spiritual, joyful and thoughtful leaders of today want to share their combined wisdom on joy it is worth listening to their advice.

Another recommendation is: Factfulness by Hans Rosling. Why? It is reassuring when a methodical researcher unpacks today and suggests what is really going on based on hard data and analysis. I am an optimist and it is nice to know that my positive view of the world is not a fake or naive. This supports the notion that my smaller cup is very blessed.