Why did I start writing my reflections on January 2nd, 2019? That is a fair question. Boredom, ego, money or feeling blessed? I know it was the latter. Over the course of my life there have been many people who have influenced me positively, but a few stand out in terms of these reflections. I have been blessed to meet three accidental influencers, and have had one epiphany, and I wanted to share these blessings.
The first influencer was Chris, in the early Nineties. Chris was a young, German, PhD candidate who seemed to be forever joyful and enthusiastic. I was so impressed by Chris’s positive nature, and I surmised that his uplifting attitude was based on a deliberate choice: he decided he was going to have a positive attitude, no matter what. My take-away from Chris was that a large part of your wellness is determined by your intentions, by how you mindfully chose to feel, regardless of your circumstances.
The second influencer was Bill, in the early Noughties. Bill was a learner that I mentored early in his career. Bill subsequently became a very successful and influential accounting professional. Bill and I told each other that we had the best jobs in the world, given our natural disposition. We had found our calling and had unreservedly bought into believing our employment was a complete, purposeful joy. But what really influenced me was that Bill independently also uses the SMALLER CUP analogy. The lesson of the smaller cup is that living out of a sense of gratitude and opportunity opens up immense possibilities of joy, excitement and wonder. It is about making our present moments and tomorrows feel bountiful and blessed. It is very encouraging to meet a person who shares and affirms two of my core values.
The third influencer was Andrew, who I met in Hong Kong in 2009. Andrew is a Christian brother who one day commented, “Johan, you just naturally (re)frame your experiences into positive, hopeful and joyful events.” Andrew’s casual comment resonated with me, and for years I wondered why I was instinctively my own positive spin doctor. The moral of (re)framing is to train your mind to instinctively interpret your experiences in a positive, realistic and hopeful way. Generally, the benefits of positive (re)framing are very high, and the downside of increased optimism is extremely low. Andrew’s influence was to inspire me to understand this reframing mindset and share it in these reflections.
The fourth and most profound influence occurred on a train somewhere in Brazil in 2007, at the start of my 14 month epic travelogue all over the world. For whatever reason, a short summary of my Christian faith came to me: Let go, Let God, Let good. If anything defines me and my disposition, it is this six word mantra. The lesson learned is that letting go of control and letting a providential God who loves you take control will result in you being richly blessed, IF YOU LET HIM. Restated, empower and accept goodness, and let go of selfish control and entitlement.
For at least forty years, I have puzzled and pondered how to be enthusiastic, authentic and live life to the full. At the very essence of my perspective on life are these four themes. These reflections are an attempt to share the why and how of Johan and perhaps encourage you to ponder your own life reflections and lessons.
A question you may want to dwell on might be, “Who or what defined and moulded me?” Well worth the ponder.
Shalom-Shalom (perfect peace)