Wellness science is clear: gratitude is the most important attitude to improve one’s wellbeing, closely followed by generosity. Both of these attitudes trigger rewards in the brain. Why? Because humans are social beings, gratitude and generosity implicitly improve social relationships. This enhanced the survival rate of the primitive clans or tribes. Groups that were grateful and generous to their members were more successful, cohesive and prosperous.
The wonderful thing about giving is it has so many expressions.
On the tangible level, there are three forms of giving, Time, Talent and Treasury (money). Each of us likely has an abundance of one of these, which we could be more generous with to the common good.
Sharing goods is a convenient and low-cost form of giving. Perhaps we have tools, music, books, clothing or space which others might appreciate using and then returning. Watching others use and enjoy our possessions does lift one’s spirits.
Acts of kindness are a spontaneous form of giving. Being kind to those we are close to is wonderful but going to the next stage of doing random acts of kindness to strangers takes the personal reward of giving to a higher and more beneficial level. Gathering rubbish in our neighborhood, being courteous in traffic congestion, carrying goods for someone overburdened: the possibilities are endless once one is on the lookout for opportunities to be kind.
Paying someone an unexpected compliment is a simple act of giving. The smile and joy the other person feels is immediate and reciprocal, and being there to share that pleasure is our prize. Interestingly, praising others, especially in the workplace, subtly improves the work culture of the organization as praise multiples.
An underutilized form of giving is forgiving, letting go of wrongs we have experienced. Forgiving starts us releasing the pent-up anger we harbour. Without engaging with the perpetrator, this letting go brings immediate relief. If we go to the next step and address the person who wronged us and let them know of our forgiveness, all the better.
There are so many avenues for giving, so avail of as many as you can. As Anne Frank noted:
No one has ever become poor by giving.
Reflection Source: www.Smallercup.org
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A useful link to learn more about the science behind generosity: