Seven independent themes in the self-improvement literature are listed below:
I. Be the best version of yourself that you can be.
II. Only compare yourself to your yesterday.
III. Go with your strengths, manage your weaknesses.
IV. Be kind to yourself.
V. Strive to be 0.1% better every day.
VI. Acknowledge and savour your successes.
VII. What gets measured or observed gets done.
VIII. Risk excellence.
I have not seen these suggestions combined, but taken together they are an excellent strategy for self-improvement:
To put this process into action, start by making an inventory of both your strengths and your weaknesses. Be honest and blunt about yourself, as none of us are either perfect or totally imperfect. Next, select one or two of the weaknesses that are hampering you from becoming a better person. For example, I decided to focus on being more patient and less prone to being frustrated. Then, mindfully monitor your thoughts and actions.
Compare your progress in managing your weaknesses. Expect setbacks but also progress. After a few weeks, change tact, and select one or two of your redeeming qualities which can also be improved and increase the frequency that you express them. Ultimately it is always better to lead with your strengths and manage your weaknesses. Interestingly, when you change your focus, the earlier targets still get attention in your sub-conscious self. Shaking things up accelerates becoming a better version of you.
Please be kind to yourself. That’s where the 0.1% daily improvement goal comes into play. Whereas 0.1% sound small, that is precisely the point. Being a better you is a continuous improvement project, played out over a lifetime. Small, baby steps do make huge differences in a relatively short period of time. At 0.1% daily improvement, after a year you are a 40% better version of yourself; that is serious progress!
Finally, please acknowledge your progress. This encourages you to keep on track and set new goals and expectations. What get measures or observed gets done; and what you do not recognize tends to lapse. If you ignore your effort, it may only be a short matter of time before your “better you” project fails.
Being the best version of you is a project well worth investing in. The rewards for you and your acquaintances will be significant. Risk excellence!
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