2022 – The Post-Covid World

Can you remember how you felt when Covid first started to really cut into your lifestyle in the spring of 2020?  I remember feeling mildly romantic and pastoral, commenting on how quiet the roads were, the joy of hearing the birds sing and the purity of the air.  But as the weeks became months and then years, the initial bliss lost its glow and the same-old, same-old ritual of not much happening became the norm.  2022 was a year of mindfully forgetting these inconveniences of Covid cautiousness and consciousness.  

And then 2022 started.  I was back in my pre-covid world.  That era meant acting kindly to others, and not being overly cautiously or suspiciously lest they were ill.  Shaking hands, hugs were back in fashion; crowds and line-ups returned; traffic was congested again!  International travel is possible (and no one asks for your Covid pass) and the throngs have not returned (yet).

As I reflect back on 2022, what summarizes my recollection is that 2022 was NORMAL, like most of the pre 2020 years.  But now normal was more wonderful, what I had taken for granted for so long was special and essential.  Living in a world with dozens of daily interactions was crowded, complicated, awkward on occasion, tested your patience.  But it sure beats those lineless years of 2020 and 21!  Give me the frustration of queuing to the disappointment of nothing or little to do.

Going forward into 2023, I am going to have to relearn the habits of patience, tolerance and peacefully waiting my turn.  Being annoyed because someone is taking rather long to get through check-out sure is better than having to wear a mask, keeping your distance, only two in a store at a time, contactless payment only and thinking ill of those without a mask.

I am excited about 2023.  Now that NORMAL is back, my challenge is to be ever more aware of the subtle freedoms of being in the moment.  And explore opportunities for new NORMAL experiences and asking the riddle:

When was the last time I did something for the first time.

Please be well and be kind in 2023.  

Reflection Source: www.Smallercup.org

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