Occasionally, we must make difficult decisions or trade-offs. Earlier, I suggested the “eulogy test,” where you consider how others will remember you based on what your choices were. Another decision-making test along this line is the “rocking chair test”. The difference is that, rather than asking how others will remember you, you challenge yourself to imagine how you will remember yourself and your choices.
This decision-making test asks you to imagine you are in your senior years and in your favourite rocking chair. You are looking back on your life and career, and the decisions you made. From this perspective, look at your current choice and how you might remember and judge this decision years later. As you reflect on this matter, do you imagine you would smile, frown, feel regret, or be thankful, based on your actions? The rocking chair test opens a conversation with yourself that asks:
Is this matter really that important or significant in the long run? Why?
Will I regret not doing this?
Am I being too risk adverse? What is stopping me from doing this? Are my anxieties real or imagined?
What is the worst that could or would happen?
Will my choice make my own and others’ lives better?
Will this matter make my bucket list more complete? Does it belong in my bucket list?
Will this opportunity come around a second time?
Will I share this experience with my family as something to remember me by or provide guidance for their life?
Will my choice likely go into the good or bad decision column?
The rocking chair test will likely encourage you to say YES more often, and NO occasionally, when your desire for short-term pleasure opposes your long-term joy and wellness. Being in my early rock chair years, I do recommend making YES your default choice.
Reflection Source: www.Smalmercup.org
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*: Nicky Gumbel, The Bible in One Year – a Commentary