The more I research well-being, the more interested I become in neuroscience. It suggests that parts of our brain have an important role in maintaining our well-being.
Neuroscience has found that there are two lobes in the frontal cortex that are designed to manage our fight-or-flight, fast thinking instinct. The dominant one is the amygdala. This is where memories of anxious or dangerous experiences from your formative years are stored. It acts as an early warning system: if the current moment resembles this past memory, it is time to react quickly and instinctively. The amygdala’s role (especially 100,000 years ago) was to ensure we reacted quickly to impending danger: better safe than sorry was its mantra. Unfortunately, the amygdala has not had its software updated since 100,000 BC. Therefore, it is less suited for our relatively safe 2020 AD. Steve Peters might describe the amygdala as the ‘chimp in our Chimp Paradox’, a wary friend or foe that requires constant monitoring.
The hippocampus is a more recent addition (10,000 BC) to our brain’s artillery. Its role is to slowly and logically size-up a situation, aiming to find a rational response to whatever confronts us. The hippocampus also stores memories, including positive ones, and more thoughtful and complex memories of challenging situations. Rather than reacting instantly, the hippocampus ponders the moment and frames it in a more balanced manner. However, the highly emotional amygdala reacts six times faster than its slower, logical hippocampus.
“So what?” you reasonably ask. Well, our brain can be re-programmed because of its neuroplastic nature; our minds can be retrained to frame and reframe memories differently.
"Reframing, as defined in the textbook ‘Contemporary Behaviour Therapy’ is the cognitive restructuring of maladaptive thinking processes and substituting those for more workable cognitions. Cognitive restructuring therapy maintains that people construct their realities based on what is important, meaningful, and real to them. In other words, the interpretations you assign to an event, rather than the actual event itself, determines its effect on your emotions. Reframing will allow you to reconstruct your thoughts, in order to view circumstances from a new perspective, thus leading you to feel more positive about that same circumstance and, therefore, to feel less fear or stress."#
Simply put, your overactive and emotional amygdala can be tamed by reframing your more challenging moments: you can give your hippocampus a chance to get involved. Rather than fight or flight, there is a reframing of the moment as you pause and add some rational thinking in to the mix. Your hippocampus can be habitually retrained to be a bit more assertive.
Please be kind, patient and thoughtful to your partner and others.
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*: Some of the insights from this reflection come from either:
#: Reframe Your Viewpoints: How to Gradually Redirect Anxiety Energy to Unlock Confidence by Virginia Ritterbusch
The Chimp Paradox: The Acclaimed Mind Management Programme to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence and Happiness by Steve Peters
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman