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The Ten Positive Emotions (Part Two)

The last reflection listed the ten positive emotions--joy, gratitude, serenity, hope, pride, love, awe, amusement, interest and inspiration--in the order I have memorized them. [* See below for the more common negative emotions]. The next step is to actively cause, re-frame and remember your experiences through these feelings.  Similarly seeking out opportunities to be in one or several of the positive emotions can be especially powerful.

Two researchers in particular, Marcial Losada and Barbara Frederickson, note that if you increase  the ratio of positive to negative emotions above 3:1, you note  a significant improvement in well-being.  The 3:1 ratio is the tipping point where you begin to flourish rather than languish. Your life seems easier, lighter and more joyful. This ratio is also called the Positivity Ratio.

Positive Emotions 

Negative Emotions

There are two ways to make the Positivity Ratio work for you:  Increase the frequency and depth of positive emotions and/or decrease the occurrence and depth of negative emotions.  Reducing negative emotions is mostly about letting go, moving on and not ruminating on past events, or anticipating or dwelling on future situations to the detriment of the present moment. 

Positive emotions are mostly about being in the present moment.  Framing NOW with one or several of the nine positive emotions, and re-visiting and framing the past through the serenity (or savour) lens generally brings you to a better place.

Please experiment with your positive ratio and make it one of your well-being habits. Perhaps chose one or two of these emotions and filter your day and present moments through them and allow for the elevation or your spirits and sense of well-being.

*:  The eleven most common negative emotions are: Anger, anxiety, annoyance, sadness, guilt, fear, discouragement, despair, apathy, disappointment and frustration

Note, if you would like to assess your Positive Ratio for free go to:

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