Kindness, Patience, Thoughtfulness
Look carefully at your most prized relationships and ask: “What is the most essential ingredient in these relationships?” Yes, love. But love is a rather vague catch-all word. How about kindness, patience and thoughtfulness? Wouldn’t it be awesome if you gave and received these unconditional expressions of love?
As these words are so rich and subjective, I thought it might be useful to look up their definitions in Wikipedia. And here is what I learned:
Kindness is as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Affection, gentleness, warmth, concern, and care are words that are associated with kindness.
Patience is a person's ability to wait something out or endure something tedious, without getting riled up.
Thoughtfulness is showing consideration for others; considerate, being mindful or heedful of the well-being of others.
Your relationships would likely appreciate extra dosages of kindness, patience and thoughtfulness, but how do you make that happen? Start by consciously putting in these same ingredients. When matters get harried, consider which would be the best medicine, or ponder whether there is tension because they are lacking. When everything is going well, observe how mindfully upping the amount of kindness, patience and/or thoughtfulness makes that moment even better. Also, be alert to when you receive these responses from others and note how it improves your relationship.
Once you have done several proactive experiments with these emotions, share what you have learned with your partner or friends. Encourage them to be open to using kindness, patience and thoughtfulness to show and receive affection.
Mindfully giving and receiving kindness, patience and thoughtfulness certainly improves any relationship. Do some experimenting and see what happens. Nothing to lose, and everything to gain!