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Earlier I suggested that hope, serenity and gratitude were outstanding positive emotions or vitamins to counter Covid-19 anxiety. Just as vitamins are required for our physical wellbeing, there are some essential emotional minerals that can spice up this challenging season of life. 

In these tense times, I am actively seeking out or creating moments where I am feeling interested, inspired and awed.  Let’s look at each one:

Interest:  Feeling open and alive.  Your horizons are expanding with new possibilities.  You have a desire to explore, to take in new ideas and learn more.

Inspiration:  Feeling uplifted.  Seeing better possibilities than usual.  A desire to want to express and do what is good.

Awe:   Feeling overwhelmed by greatness.  Experiencing goodness and amazement.

These positive emotions are generally under-utilized, as we are too busy to pause and allow ourselves to feel truly interested, inspired or awed by what is right there in this moment.  It often takes deliberate effort to experience these uplifting emotions, as we must look for something special in the ordinary and usual, letting go of judgemental thinking.  These feeling can also trigger gratitude and serenity which is great bonus.

It may sound corny, but I love those Tom Hanks type feel good movies and absolutely avoid all movies that have unhappy ending or violence.  Especially now, with the almost 24-hour Covid-19 awfulizing news coverage I need to refresh my spirits with uplifting and hopeful possibilities, reducing negative inputs or suggestions.  Why not check out a BBC Nature show, a book where things go well, a Friends episode, your favourite music from yesterday or a tasty treat?  Go back to what works for you, and savour the reassurance, inspiration and awe it rewards you.

Seek out moments that encourage feelings of interest, inspiration or awe. This will spice up your day and improve your spirits.  Improving our resilience needs a diet of positive emotions. 

Please bulk up on interest, inspiration, awe (and hope, gratitude, hope, love, serenity pride and amusement also).

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