The suffix “FUL” is an extremely empowering additive to life and well-being. Consider the follow “FUL” words:
Wonderful, grateful, peaceful, joyful, mindful, hopeful, beautiful, cheerful, thoughtful, respectful, insightful, trustful, truthful, faithful, thankful, fruitful, merciful, meaningful, plentiful ..
What makes these “FUL” words so inspiring is that it implies one is FULL OF these positive emotions. Not only is one FULL but also in the present moment or mindful. MindFULness can be defined as the process of purposely bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment without judgment. Mindfulness is a state of being where one is “FULL of the mind”. You are totally in the present moment in a non-judgemental manner. You let the moment fill you. In advance you might set the intentions for your mindfulness. By deliberately choosing those uplifting FUL emotions to fill the moment with you can improve your spirits materially.
If you imagine these “FUL” words and reverse the order so they start with “FULL OF” it can change your spirits and well-being quickly. Wonderful becomes “full of wonder” or peaceful becomes “full of peace”. Thankful becomes “full of thanks”. Not only does the emotion feel different, it also feels more real, immediate and personal. *
As the name of this blog asks: Is your glass half FULL, half empty or YOU JUST NEED A SMALLER CUP? What is expected is that this cup is filled with these positive feelings of well-being.
Challenge yourself to be FULL and even FULLER of the wonder of the present moment. Enjoy the fullness of life by letting the wonders of life fill you.
*: Curious one of the most used FUL word is awful. However, awful’s root is to be full of awe or being inspired, which is anything but awful, rather is awe-full.
Reflection Source: www.Smallercup.org
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